Trinket Choices.90 Pandaren Shaman. of items (t13 gloves for sporebeard guantlets, vial of shadows for starcatcher compass), and the new stat weights are:. Me (hunter) and the rogue both have HC hungerer and normal and Matrix. It may be second best trinket for a hunter, it may not (looking at Starcatcher Compass). Even if it. I dont know how good this is for ferals or shamans.
Starcatcher Compass good for a suvival hunter? - World of Warcraft.
Thoughts on Starcatcher Compass?
Scattered Shots: Patch 4.3 hunter trinket roundup.
BIS Trinket - Forums - World of Warcraft.
Trinket help - Forums - World of Warcraft.
vial of shadows vs starcatcher compass shaman
Enhancement MoP compendium + q/a - Forums - World of Warcraft.Dec 15, 2011. Vial of Shadows This trinket gives us the flat 458 agility again and procs an. Starcatcher Compass (nearly identical to Matrix Restabilizer heroic); Matrix .. @ pyromelter: the 5 aste buff from boomkins/spriests/shaman only. Should I use Arrow of Time over Vial of Shadows (Combat)? Im aware .. As you can see I already have the lfr Starcatcher Compass and lfr Vial of Shadows. The reason I. Lost the roll to an elemental shaman . #11. 3/21/.
Thread: Heroic Starcatcher Compas vs non-heroic Matrix restabilizer for enh... - MMO-Champion.Dec 15, 2011. Vial of Shadows This trinket gives us the flat 458 agility again and procs an. Starcatcher Compass (nearly identical to Matrix Restabilizer heroic); Matrix .. @ pyromelter: the 5 aste buff from boomkins/spriests/shaman only. Should I use Arrow of Time over Vial of Shadows (Combat)? Im aware .. As you can see I already have the lfr Starcatcher Compass and lfr Vial of Shadows. The reason I. Lost the roll to an elemental shaman . #11. 3/21/. I easily reached that plateau, is this trinket worth using or should I get the. Vial of Shadows and Wrath of Unchaining are the two BiS I believe. Vial of shadows will just not drop for us. SO, I have matrix restabilizer and I keep passing up on the heroic starcatcher compass because haste. For example, on my shaman Heroic starcatcher comes out at ~2488 dps vs the.
Enhance Trinket Confusion - Forums - World of Warcraft.
Trinket -
vial of shadows vs starcatcher compass shaman
Trinket help for rogues.